Thursday, June 04, 2015

Happy 3rd Anniversary Thai Alley!

Yeaay we're invited as a vip guest as part of the 3rd years anniversary celebration of @thaialley ...all on 'em, free!
Sebelumnya saya liat infonya di IG @WeTheFoodies utk acara 3rd Anniversarynya Thai Alley. Pada tanggal 5 Mei nanti sebagai perayaan hari jadi mereka yang ketiga, Thai Alley mengadakan eat for free for all guests, dijam jam tertentu disemua restoran mereka. Dan sebagai tambahan, di IG @WeTheFoodies juga mengadakan kontes mengapa kita ingin sekali menjadi tamu VIP mereka dlm acara eat for free nanti, dan saya terpilih sebagai salah satu pemenangnya, yeaay!!

So here's the menu that we can choose...the waiter said all of these menu are choosen from their best sellers all of the why they call it the special menu  love it!! 

Happy 3rd Anniversary @thaialley and thank youu for the treat!! I came twice, lunch time with my bestie & dinner time with my hubby, & meet new friends there @hugo_fendy & @jacquesvictor . We're really have a good time & moments at that time. Apalagi ada genderang & yel yel staff thai alley pd saat masuk waktunya #ThaiAlleyEatForFree seruu banget!! Rasanya kita ikut jd bagian dr familynya thai alley & feel excited jg! Great food, great moments, all come with affordable price! 3rd years anniversarynya @thaialley memorable bgt & pasti jd bhn pembicaraan kita terus nih coz we never been experience this before, thai alley yg ultah kita ditraktir makan, for free! Yeaay!  Thank you @thaialley please keep generous, wishing u more success, makin banyak cabangnya, pelanggannya & tambah byk menunya pastinya!! Love u!!

#foodies_go #jakartainfood #foodstagram #wisatakuliner #culinary #ThaiCuisine #thailandfood #kuliner #lunch #dinner #lunchtime

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